One Film: Breathless (1960) (6 books)

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•  Studies (4)    •  Screenplay (2)

•  Studies (2)    •  Screenplay (0)

•  Studies (4 books)(2 books)

A bout de souffle

A bout de souffle (2013)

by Ramona Fotiade

Publisher: I.B.Tauris
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Breathless

Comprendre Godard: Travelling avant sur A bout de souffle et Le Mépris

Comprendre Godard (2006)4 stars

Travelling avant sur A bout de souffle et Le Mépris

by Michel Marie

Publisher: Armand Colin

Subject: One Film > Breathless, Contempt

À bout de souffle:étude critique

À bout de souffle (1999)

étude critique

by Michel Marie

Publisher: Nathan

Subject: One Film > Breathless

Breathless:Jean-Luc Godard, director

Breathless (1988)

Jean-Luc Godard, director

by Dudley Andrew

Publisher: Rutgers University Press
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Breathless

•  Screenplay (2 books)(0 book)

> Other links:

See Breathless on IMDB ...
Review of the film À bout de souffle on the blog L'Oeil sur l'Ecran ...

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23911 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •