Director: Christopher Nolan (8 books)

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•  Biographies (2)    •  Essays (4)    •  Studies (2)

•  Biographies (2)    •  Essays (3)    •  Studies (2)

•  Biographies (2 books)(2 books)

Christopher Nolan:Chaos & harmonie

Christopher Nolan (2020)

Chaos & harmonie


Publisher: Rockyrama

Subject: Director > Christopher Nolan

•  Essays (4 books)(3 books)

•  Studies (2 books)(2 books)

Christopher Nolan:le cinéaste iconique et ses films

Christopher Nolan (2023)

le cinéaste iconique et ses films

by Ian Nathan

Publisher: du May

Subject: Director > Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan : Dédales

Christopher Nolan (2016)



Publisher: Éclipses

Subject: Director > Christopher Nolan

> Books about films directed by Christopher Nolan:


Oppenheimer (2023)

by Christopher Nolan
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Oppenheimer

Robert Oppenheimer:Triomphe et tragédie d'un génie

Robert Oppenheimer (2023)

Triomphe et tragédie d'un génie

by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin

Subject: One Film > Oppenheimer

Nolan, le temps et Bergson:Tenet, le cinéaste à la rencontre du philosophe

Nolan, le temps et Bergson (2022)

Tenet, le cinéaste à la rencontre du philosophe

by Manon Grimaud

Subject: One Film > Tenet

Dunkerque: Le livre officiel du film événement

Dunkerque (2017)

Le livre officiel du film événement

by Joshua Levine

Subject: One Film > Dunkirk

Interstellar:Beyond Time and Space

Interstellar (2014)

Beyond Time and Space

by Mark Cotta Vaz
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Interstellar

Batmobile:L'histoire complète

Batmobile (2014)

L'histoire complète


Subject: One Film > The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight: Batman: Dans les coulisses de la trilogie

The Dark Knight (2012)

Batman: Dans les coulisses de la trilogie

by Christopher Nolan and Chip Kidd

Subject: One Film > The Dark Knight

Inception: Le script

Inception (2010)

Le script

by Christopher Nolan

Subject: One Film > Inception

> Other books related to Christopher Nolan:

> Other links:

See the complete filmography of Christopher Nolan on the website: IMDB ...
See the films of Christopher Nolan reviewed on the blog L'Oeil sur l'Ecran ...

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23868 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •