Director: James Cameron (9 books)

Sort order:

•  Biographies (4)    •  Studies (2)    •  Interviews (1)    •  Stories (2)

•  Biographies (4)    •  Studies (2)    •  Interviews (1)    •  Stories (2)

•  Biographies (4 books)(4 books)

•  Studies (2 books)(2 books)

James Cameron:Paradoxes

James Cameron (2024)



Publisher: Éclipses

Subject: Director > James Cameron

Vers une écologie de l'apparition:La biomedialumiscence du cinéma

Vers une écologie de l'apparition (2022)

La biomedialumiscence du cinéma

by Jeremie Brugidou

Publisher: Mimesis

Subject: Director > James Cameron

•  Interviews (1 book)(1 book)

James Cameron:Interviews

James Cameron (2011)


by Brent Dunham

Publisher: University Press of Mississippi
(in English)

Subject: Director > James Cameron

•  Stories (2 books)(2 books)

Tech noir:L'art de James Cameron

Tech noir (2024)

L'art de James Cameron


Publisher: Huginn & Muninn

Subject: Director > James Cameron

> Books about films directed by James Cameron:

The Terminator

The Terminator (2021)

by Sean French
(in English)

Subject: One Film > The Terminator

La Saga Terminator

La Saga Terminator (2019)


Subject: One Film > The Terminator

Aliens:La guerre selon Cameron

Aliens (2016)

La guerre selon Cameron

by Simon Ward

Subject: One Film > Aliens

Terminator: Anatomie d'un mythe

Terminator (2013)

Anatomie d'un mythe

by Ian Nathan

Subject: One Film > The Terminator

Avatar 'Je te vois' :Une expérience philosophique

Avatar 'Je te vois' (2012)

Une expérience philosophique

by Natalie Depraz

Subject: One Film > Avatar

Avatar : Le roman du film

Avatar (2010)

Le roman du film

by James Cameron

Subject: One Film > Avatar

Avatar : L'univers de James Cameron

Avatar (2010)

L'univers de James Cameron

by Laurent Malbrunot

Subject: One Film > Avatar

Avatar : Rapport confidentiel sur l'histoire biologique et sociale de la planète Pandora

Avatar (2009)

Rapport confidentiel sur l'histoire biologique et sociale de la planète Pandora


Subject: One Film > Avatar

Avatar : Le livre

Avatar (2009)

Le livre

by Liza FitzPatrick

Subject: One Film > Avatar

Titanic:James Cameron, le livre du film

Titanic (1999)

James Cameron, le livre du film

by Ed Marsh

Subject: One Film > Titanic

Titanic:Autant en emporte l'océan

Titanic (1998)

Autant en emporte l'océan

by Dominique Auzel

Subject: One Film > Titanic

Titanic:L'histoire du film de James Cameron

Titanic (1998)

L'histoire du film de James Cameron

by Paula Parisi

Subject: One Film > Titanic

> Other books related to James Cameron:

> Other links:

See the complete filmography of James Cameron on the website: IMDB ...
See the films of James Cameron reviewed on the blog L'Oeil sur l'Ecran ...

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23868 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •