« The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049 »

(livre en anglais)

de Tanya Lapointe

Un FilmBlade Runner 2049
Mots Clés
Denis Villeneuve, science-fiction, storyboard, tournage
Année d'édition
Titan Books
(hors collection)
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Relié • 224 pages • 49 €
39 x 29,5 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
In the 1982's groundbreaking science-fiction film Blade Runner, the world saw a vision of the future so bold and breathtaking that it still remains at the forefront of pop culture. Thirty-five years later, many of the world-renowned original cast and crew made a thrilling return to that world. Their journey is chronicled with captivating detail in this official visual guide to Blade Runner 2049, presented in an oversized, luxe, full-colour format. The author documented the film's production for two years, gaining unprecedented access to the creative process of bringing this epic to life. Exclusive concept art, storyboards, behind-the-scenes photography, and production stills are accompanied by fascinating insights from the cast and crew. The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049 is both a display-worthy art piece and a mesmerising insider's look at the unforgettable characters, iconic environments, and unbelievable technology featured in the film.

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur Titan Books

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