Actor: John Wayne (17 books)

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•  Biographies (14)    •  Essays (1)    •  Photos (2)

•  Biographies (4)    •  Essays (1)    •  Photos (0)

•  Biographies (14 books)(4 books)

John Wayne

John Wayne (2024)

by Boris Szames

Publisher: Capricci

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne: Le géant de l'ouest

John Wayne (2010)

Le géant de l'ouest

by Frédéric Valmont

Publisher: Didier Carpentier

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne:Un homme, une légende

John Wayne (2005)

Un homme, une légende

by Christian Dureau

Publisher: Dualpha

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne:un homme, une légende

John Wayne (2003)

un homme, une légende

by Christian Dureau

Publisher: Dualpha
(old edition)

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne

John Wayne (1998)

by Anton Giulio Mancino

Publisher: Gremese
(old edition)

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne:Le cow-boy et la mort

John Wayne (1991)

Le cow-boy et la mort

by Eric Leguèbe

Publisher: France-Empire

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne

John Wayne (1980)

by Philippe Ferrari

Publisher: Solar

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

John Wayne

John Wayne (1979)

by Allen Eyles

Publisher: Henri Veyrier
(old edition)

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

•  Essays (1 book)(1 book)

•  Photos (2 books)(0 book)

John Wayne, The Legend and the Man: An Exclusive Look Inside Duke's Archive

John Wayne, The Legend and the Man (2012)

An Exclusive Look Inside Duke's Archive

by John Wayne Enterprises

Publisher: PowerHouse Books
(in English)

Subject: Actor > John Wayne

> Other books related to John Wayne:

Three Bad Men: John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

Three Bad Men (2013)

John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

by Scott Allen Nollen
(in English)

Subject: Director > John Ford

Le Western B: Les années 1930-1939

Le Western B (2009)

Les années 1930-1939

by Didier Lodieu

Subject: Genre > Western

La compagnie des héros: Ma vie d'acteur avec John Wayne et les autres, dans la John Ford Stock Company

La compagnie des héros (2003)

Ma vie d'acteur avec John Wayne et les autres, dans la John Ford Stock Company

by Harry Carey Jr.

Subject: Actor > Harry Carey Jr.

Politique des acteurs: Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Cary Grant, James Stewart

Politique des acteurs (1993)

Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Cary Grant, James Stewart

by Luc Moullet

Subject: On Films > Movie reviews

> Other links:

See the complete filmography of John Wayne on the website: IMDB ...
See the films with John Wayne reviewed on the blog L'Oeil sur l'Ecran ...

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23906 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •