Publisher: University of California Press (37 books)

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•  Biographies (6)    •  Encyclopedias (11)    •  Studies (18)    •  Interviews (1)    •  Director's writings (1)

•  Biographies (1)    •  Encyclopedias (1)    •  Studies (8)    •  Interviews (0)    •  Director's writings (0)

•  Biographies (6 books)(1 book)

Myrna Loy: The Only Good Girl in Hollywood

Myrna Loy (2011)

The Only Good Girl in Hollywood

by Emily W. Leider

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Myrna Loy

Irving Thalberg:Boy Wonder to Producer Prince

Irving Thalberg (2009)

Boy Wonder to Producer Prince

by Mark A. Vieira

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Others persons > Irving Thalberg

Lillian Gish:Her Legend, Her Life

Lillian Gish (2002)

Her Legend, Her Life

by Charles Afron

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Lillian Gish

•  Encyclopedias (11 books)(1 book)

The Sixties, 1960-1969:History of American Cinema vol.8

The Sixties, 1960-1969 (2003)

History of American Cinema vol.8

by Paul Monaco

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

A New Pot of Gold, 1980-1989:History of American Cinema vol.10

A New Pot of Gold, 1980-1989 (2002)

History of American Cinema vol.10

by Stephen Prince

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: On Films > Per period

Lost Illusions, 1970-1979:History of the American Cinema vol.9

Lost Illusions, 1970-1979 (2002)

History of the American Cinema vol.9

by David A. Cook

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

The Talkies 1926-1931:History of American Cinema vol.4

The Talkies 1926-1931 (1999)

History of American Cinema vol.4

by Donald Crafton

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

The Ciné Goes to Town:French Cinema 1896 - 1914

The Ciné Goes to Town (1998)

French Cinema 1896 - 1914

by Richard Abel

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
2nd Revised edition
(in English)

Subject: Silent Cinema

Grand Design, 1930–1939:History of American Cinema vol.5

Grand Design, 1930–1939 (1996)

History of American Cinema vol.5

by Tino Balio

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

An Evening's Entertainment:History of American Cinema vol.3

An Evening's Entertainment (1994)

History of American Cinema vol.3

by Richard Koszarski

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

The Transformation of Cinema 1907-1915:History of the American Cinema vol.2

The Transformation of Cinema 1907-1915 (1994)

History of the American Cinema vol.2

by Eileen Bowser

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

The Emergence of Cinema:History of the American Cinema vol.1

The Emergence of Cinema (1994)

History of the American Cinema vol.1

by Charles Musser

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: History of the American Cinema
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

•  Studies (18 books)(8 books)

Recollecting Lotte Eisner:Cinema, Exile, and the Archive

Recollecting Lotte Eisner (2022)

Cinema, Exile, and the Archive

by Naomi DeCelles

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: History of Cinema

Andre Bazin on Adaptation:Cinema's Literary Imagination

Andre Bazin on Adaptation (2022)

Cinema's Literary Imagination

by André Bazin

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Technique > Adaptation

Foundational Films:Early Cinema and Modernity in Brazil

Foundational Films (2018)

Early Cinema and Modernity in Brazil

by Maite Conde

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Countries > South America

Parameters of Disavowal:Colonial Representation in South Korean Cinema

Parameters of Disavowal (2018)

Colonial Representation in South Korean Cinema

by Jinsoo An

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Sociology

Menus for Movieland:Newspapers and the Emergence of American Film Culture 1913-1916

Menus for Movieland (2015)

Newspapers and the Emergence of American Film Culture 1913-1916

by Richard Abel

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Silent Cinema

Late Godard:and the Possibilities of Cinema

Late Godard (2012)

and the Possibilities of Cinema

by Daniel Morgan

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Director > Jean-Luc Godard

Chanteuse in the City:The Realist Singer in French Film

Chanteuse in the City (2010)

The Realist Singer in French Film

by Kelley Conway

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Countries > France

More Than Night:Film Noir in Its Contexts

More Than Night (2008)

Film Noir in Its Contexts

by James Naremore

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Genre > Detective movie

The Dark Mirror: German Cinema Between Hitler and Hollywood

The Dark Mirror (2002)

German Cinema Between Hitler and Hollywood

by Lutz Koepnick

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: Weimar & Now: German Cultural Criticism
(in English)

Subject: Studio > Hollywood

The Films of Akira Kurosawa

The Films of Akira Kurosawa (1999)

by Donald Richie

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
3rd Revised edition
(in English)

Subject: Director > Akira Kurosawa

The Making of Citizen Kane

The Making of Citizen Kane (1996)

by Robert L. Carringer

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
2nd Revised edition
(in English)

Subject: One Film > Citizen Kane

Before the Nickelodeon: Edwin S. Porter and the Edison Manufacturing Company

Before the Nickelodeon (1991)

Edwin S. Porter and the Edison Manufacturing Company

by Charles Musser

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Director > Edwin S. Porter

•  Interviews (1 book)(0 book)

John Ford

John Ford (1992)

by Peter Bogdanovich

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
Revised and enlarged edition
(in English)

Subject: Director > John Ford

•  Director's writings (1 book)(0 book)

I Was Interrupted:Nicholas Ray on making movies

I Was Interrupted (1995)

Nicholas Ray on making movies

by Nicholas Ray, Susan Ray and Bernard Eisenschitz

Publisher: University of California Press
Collection: (no collection)
(in English)

Subject: Director > Nicholas Ray

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Note: A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23911 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •