Keyword: Starlet (11 books)

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•  Biographies (2)    •  Encyclopedias (1)    •  Stories (7)    •  Photos (1)

•  Biographies (1)    •  Encyclopedias (1)    •  Stories (3)    •  Photos (1)

•  Biographies (2 books)(1 book)

Marilyn Monroe à 20 ans:Les secrets de ses débuts

Marilyn Monroe à 20 ans (2012)

Les secrets de ses débuts

by Jannick Alimi

Publisher: Au Diable Vauvert

Subject: Actor > Marilyn Monroe

Gold Digger: The Outrageous Life and Times of Peggy Hopkins Joyce

Gold Digger (2000)

The Outrageous Life and Times of Peggy Hopkins Joyce

by Constance Rosenblum

Publisher: Henry Holt & Co
(in English)

Subject: Actor > Peggy Hopkins Joyce

•  Encyclopedias (1 book)(1 book)

•  Stories (7 books)(3 books)

Pin-up:au temps du pré-Code (1930-1934)

Pin-up (2019)

au temps du pré-Code (1930-1934)

by Mélanie Boissonneau

Publisher: LettMotif

Subject: On Films > Characters

Hollywood Babylone

Hollywood Babylone (2013)1 star

by Kenneth Anger

Publisher: Tristram
(old edition)

Subject: Studio > Hollywood

Les Plus Grands Scandales de l'histoire d'Hollywood:Les tricheurs, nymphomanes et agresseurs sexuels. Tome 1

Les Plus Grands Scandales de l'histoire d'Hollywood (2012)

Les tricheurs, nymphomanes et agresseurs sexuels. Tome 1

by Maximillien de Lafayette


Subject: Studio > Hollywood

La plus belle, c'est toi:La piu bella sei tu

La plus belle, c'est toi (2002)

La piu bella sei tu

by Federico Patellani

Publisher: Actes Sud

Subject: Countries > Italy

Hollywood Babylone

Hollywood Babylone (1977)

by Kenneth Anger

Publisher: Régine Deforges
(old edition)

Subject: Studio > Hollywood

Hollywood Babylone

Hollywood Babylone (1959)

by Kenneth Anger

Publisher: Pauvert
(old edition)

Subject: Studio > Hollywood

•  Photos (1 book)(1 book)

Dolce Claudia: suivi de Eloge de la starlette

Dolce Claudia (2014)

suivi de Eloge de la starlette


Publisher: Contrejour

Subject: Actor > Claudia Cardinale

Note: A book on a slightly gray background is a book that is no longer currently published or that may be difficult to find in bookstores. The shown price is that of the book at its release, the price on the second-hand market may be very different.
A book on a beige background is a book published in a language other than French.

23906 books listed   •   (c)2014-2025   •