The Godfather

(livre en anglais)

de Jon Lewis

Un FilmLe Parrain
Mots Clés
Francis Ford Coppola, Mafia, années 70
Année d'édition
BFI Publishing
BFI Film Classics
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Broché • 104 pages • 15 €
13,5 x 19 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather (1972) marked a transition in American film-making, and its success – as a work of art, as a creative 'property' exploited by its studio, Paramount Pictures; and as a model for aspiring auteurist film-makers – changed Hollywood forever.

Jon Lewis's study of The Godfather begins with a close look at the film's audacious visual style (the long, theatrical set pieces; the chiaroscuro lighting, the climactic montage paralleling a family baptism with a series of brutal murders). The analysis of visual style is paired with a discussion of the movie's principal themes: Vito and Michael's attempt to balance the obligations of business and family, their struggle with assimilation, the temptations and pitfalls of capitalist accumulation, and the larger drama of succession from father to son, from one generation to the next.

The textual analysis precedes a production history that views The Godfather as a singularly important film in Hollywood's dramatic box-office turnaround in the early 1970s. And then, finally, the book takes a long hard look at the gangster himself both on screen and off. Hollywood publicity attending the gangster film from its inception in the silent era to the present has endeavoured to dull the distinction between the real and movie gangster, insisting that each film has been culled from the day's sordid headlines. Looking at the drama on screen and the production history behind the scenes, Lewis uncovers a series of real gangster backstories, revealing, finally, how millions of dollars of mob money may well have funded the film in the first place, and how, as things played out, The Godfather saved Paramount Studios and the rest of Hollywood as well.

Voir le site internet de l'éditeur BFI Publishing

Edition précédente

Le Parrain

Le Parrain (2017)3 étoiles

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Editeur : Akileos
(ancienne édition)

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Edition précédente

The Godfather

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Nota : Un livre sur fond légèrement grisé est un livre qui n'est plus actuellement édité ou qui peut être difficile à trouver en librairie. Le prix mentionné est celui de l'ouvrage à sa sortie, le prix sur le marché de l'occasion peut être très différent.
Un livre sur fond de couleur beige est un livre édité dans une autre langue que le français.

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