Steps in Time

An Autobiography (livre en anglais)

de Fred Astaire

ActeurFred Astaire
Mots Clés
Fred Astaire, autobiographie
Année d'édition
It Books
(hors collection)
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Broché • 384 pages • 9,45 €
13,5 x 20 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
One of the foremost entertainers of the twentieth century—singer, actor, choreographer, and, of course, the most dazzling "hoofer" in the history of motion pictures—Fred Astaire was the epitome of charm, grace, and suave sophistication, with a style all his own and a complete disregard for the laws of gravity. Steps in Time is Astaire's story in his own words, a memoir as beguiling, exuberant, and enthralling as the great artist himself, the man ballet legends George Balanchine and Rudolf Nureyev cited as, hands down, the century's greatest dancer.

From his debut in vaudeville at age six through his remarkable career as the star of many of the most popular Hollywood musicals ever captured on celluloid, Steps in Time celebrates the golden age of entertainment and its royalty, as seen through the eyes of the era's affable and adored prince. Illustrated with more than forty rare photographs from the author's personal collection, here is Astaire in all his debonair glory—his life, his times, his movies, and, above all, his magical screen appearances and enduring friendship with the most beloved of all his dancing partners, Ginger Rogers.

Revue de Presse :
“Mr. Astaire's writing, like his dancing, is precise and debonair...” (The New Yorker ) “...brimming over with fresh and amusing anecdotes...” (New York Times ) “ easy and as effervescent as his own personable way of dancing.” (New York Herald Tribune )

Voir la filmographie complète de Fred Astaire sur le site IMDB ...

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