100 Science Fiction Films

(livre en anglais)

de Barry Keith Grant

Critiques de films
Mots Clés
science-fiction, histoire du cinéma, sélection
Année d'édition
BFI Publishing
BFI Screen Guides
Taille d'un livre de poche 11x18cmTaille relative de ce livreTaille d'un grand livre (29x22cm)
Taille du livre
Broché • 224 pages • 19,96 €
19 x 20,5 cm
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Description de l'ouvrage :
Since its explosion in the 1950s, science fiction has become one of the most popular film genres, with numerous dedicated fan conventions, academic conferences, websites, magazines, journals, book clubs, memorabilia and collectibles. Once relegated to B budget status, today's science fiction films are often blockbuster productions, featuring major stars.Despite its high profile, science fiction is notoriously difficult to define. In his introduction to 100 Science Fiction Films, Barry Keith Grant explains the genre's complexities, while also providing an overview of its history, suggesting that the cinema is an ideal medium for conveying the 'sense of wonder' that critics have argued is central to the genre. From Georges Méliès's Le Voyagedans la lune (1902), to the blockbusters of the 1970s that dramatically changed Hollywood, to the major releases of the past few years, the films featured in this book represent a range of periods, countries and types (including alien invasion, space travel, time travel, apocalypse, monsters and anime), and cover the key directors and writers.100 Science Fiction Films provides a lively and illuminating guide to the genre from the beginning of film history to the present, taking the reader on a comprehensive tour through the rich and varied alternate universe of sci-fi cinema.

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